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Do you desire

Ascension With Ease?


If you desire ascension with ease, fun, magic and play, you are in the right place!!! This is a magical playground for you to find the most expanded version of yourself!! Welcome!!! Excited to share with you!!

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 Light Leaders Unite!

Hi Beautiful Star Fam,


Thank you for visiting this portal of love, light and energy beyond your wildest imagination!!! Have you been feeling the pull to step into your gifts as a light worker, healer or leader? Do you feel called to serve a tribe in some way? Or maybe you've recently had another spiritual awakening and you're just not sure what to do with all that energy!!!?!!!


You are in the right place my love!!


If you feel you have latent psychic gifts, are empathic and would like to learn how to make it your super power or know you have other gifts you would like activated, you can do all that and more through the portals we can co-create together!!!


If you're feeling a full body "YES" to experiencing some of this magic, you are ready to step into your next level of expansion through the work we can do together, and I'm so grateful that you're here!!!


There is so much high frequency energy uplifting and expanding our beautiful planet right now and it's important that we're all doing what we can, to help facilitate the massive planetary changes that are taking place.


Would you like to prepare your physical, mental and spiritual bodies to be ready to hold space for the aligned souls who are coming your way? Would you like to feel so full of energy that you're giving from your overflow? And would you like to have the soul support that you desire to reach the next level of your souls path and purpose? If you answered "yes" to these questions let's get started in creating the life beyond your wildest dreams!!!


Feel free to look around and see what's in alignment to start with at this time and I'm so excited to meet you soon!!! Happy to chat on social media or email me here if you have any questions!! 


Excited beyond words to get to know you and help usher in some epic magic into your world!!!


Love, light and Unicorn Sparkles to you,



My Blog...

Here's some fun topics to open your heart & mind & to allow the expansion to begin!!!

Let's do this!!!

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Yay!! We're CONNECTED!!

Image by Kristopher Roller
Image by Adrian Swancar

Ingrid Candela

I was really excited to begin the Awakening the Divine Feminine Workshop with Sarah Strong because I had already done the Starseed and Light Language Activation workshop with her in addition to the meditations she does on Tuesdays. While being in her presence, in the container, and with the group of people there, I just feel my vibes raising, my energy increasing, and my body/mind relaxing, a sense of peace. 

This workshop reminded me to express my feminine qualities of magnetizing, receiving, slowing down, going with the flow, having levity and lightness in the things that I do and feel. I had been trying to work hard, running against time and overworking myself and then feeling overtired and resentful about it. 

I also thought about and practiced what I am truly desiring to create and draw into my life. I was reminded to have a deep relationship with myself first in order for other relationships to shift. 

I made a conscious effort to dress up and the crowns we wore during the workshop really added an empowering feminine boost and strength. 

The meditations were very vivid and Heavenly beings of light and love were present making me feel loved and at home. We made the time to journal such as on our wounds and the antidotes to them. 

The card readings were so on point and exact to what I was feeling. Some of the messages I received were to forgive myself, dreaming a new world into being, laying the foundation for Christ Consciousness, clearing old energy and thought patterns. 

We thought of and listed ways to fill ourselves up with self care practices and love ourselves such as creating beauty wherever I go like how I dress, flowers for my home, eating a higher vibrational food, play, have fun, focus inward and pay attention to myself. 

Whatever I focus on will grow!!! 🌹


Thank you to Sarah and the group of ladies in the container. You all supported my growth and expansion in my Divine Feminine journey!!! ✨💖💃🔆👑🌸🤩

Image by Adrian Swancar

Captain Lynn

Awakening the Devine Feminine with Sarah Strong was the "poke" I needed to revitalize my feminine energy which had gone dormant with Covid and coping behaviors. Through the work and questions raised by our group channels and discussions, I found myself saying YES to romantic requests and being grateful for the playfulness. I also found a clearer knowing of my current desires to continue on my path of self love and dating myself while being open (not needing) to a partner showing up in my life.  


The workshop with Sarah was a welcomed added layer to my Health and Spiritual Journey.

Image by Adrian Swancar

Jen McGilloway

This was relating to the 5 week Awakening The Divine Feminine Deep Dive we did…


I experienced a huge heart opening and so many profound realizations during our 5 week journey. 

I loved Sarah’s beautiful and playful energy, as she guided us in this nurturing container and allowed us all to explore some parts of ourselves we had never been able to fully express or know. Truly grateful for her intuitive gifts and divine wisdom she channels. 

Jen McGilloway 💖

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